Thursday 23 February 2012

How to get an income if you have lost your job?

How to get an income if you have just lost your Job?

I am going to explain to you  how, you can  recreate, replace  your income when you have lost your job with a little logical helpful  system.

  I  shall call workit.or workatit   if you prefer, until i can think of a better name you call it what you want the important thing is   it must work for you..

Lets suppose you have just lost your job, maybe today. You have  been made redundant,  laid off or reduced hours. Whichever all will lead to one main result a major loss of income. So many people  I  know are facing this dilemma right now and as you read this i am sure you will know of friends, family neighbours or even work colleagues to whom this will apply. In fact this evening as I write this i am sure that many thousands are facing these problems or will be about too in the coming days. How can we know this because in the country there are over 2.7 million unemployed and its rising daily towards the magic 3 million number, although there is nothing magical in having 3 million unemployed in your country.

Now, what  I am going to suggest to you is not expensive, difficult or hard, it takes little time little effort and next to no money. The benefits could be enormous get you moving quickly. allow you to transfer from one Industry to the other and regain your self  respect self reliance and most of all start to solve your income problems.

You see this recession, is closing down whole industries,  not so help full if you have been doing the same thing for 20 years. A little bit different if you are a school leaver with no experience of work but what I am going to explain will work for both and all situations, so lets begin.

Find a corner of your House, or a  quiet coffee bar, a library, somewhere you can sit comfortably with a blank sheet of paper pencil and begin to draw a circle. In that circle draw a stick man or lady that represents you.
Now using basic mind mapping write down around the edge every skill and experience you have that could be useful for a potential employer.Think of everything that pops into your head go back over previous roles  projects part time work. Look in your minds eye how your family friends and those close to you see you and tell you what you do well explore for  a few moments close your eyes relax. Breath in four times deep breath hold and release slowly  it will relax you stimulate your brain with oxygen and widen your thinking.

Around the edge list outside every skill and experience that could be transferred to another job or industry. Keep going for 10 to 15 minutes get creative. It doesn't matter if you have an up to date CV just keep writing as the answers and ideas come into your mind. Keep going make a separate list on a separate sheet of paper if you need to. Writing it down will focus you mind on producing more and more skills and valuable experiences that you have to offer the world and you will start to begin to see that you are an invaluable human being a unique highly skilled high prized with a wealth of experience. If you are a school leaver or student entering the work place for the first time you may not have experience but you do have skills talents and interests and you have enthusiasm and if you are a student or a schooleaver develop massive enthusiasm even if everyone around you tells you its bleak out there,  because you will shine out like a light. It will carry you for miles you will look different and you will be very different and you will get noticed and lack of experience wont matter. If you have experience do the same develop massive enthusiasm.

Now you have your sheet nicely mind mapped simply with ideas skills talents interests potential you can offer an employer. So what next...

If you have a CV, look closely have you outlined clearly your unique selling points about your skills talents experience or enthusiasm , or do you need to modify it. Maybe you discuss this with relative friend or local recruitment centre.

If you haven't a CV perhaps you could start to construct one and approach the same people at first for help here.

Reach into your Library for a free copy of your local paper if you have money buy a local copy of your local  paper get the one that is paid for usually around 60p and look in the jobs page. Look at everything consider how you might fit in even if its a different industry, it might give you a fresh start anew perspective it might lead somewhere new, exciting different. Don't worry about the money just think CV or application


  • CV
  • Application Form
  • Job Interview
You see in most cases you are trying at every level, to achieve one thing only  at  this stage the Interview.

I come from the Sales World and one piece of very important advice i was given as a young Salesman  is you cant sell down the phone, you need to be face to face.That is true of the interview focus on the objective get the interview then sell the usp (unique selling point) that is you your uniqueness skills set, talents interest experience and not least your enthusiasm.

When you achieve your interview/interviews, because you have been laid off lost a weeks work and the first interview is only giving you part time money 2 days a week and you used to work 5 go along go and enjoy the experience to gain the experience by practice.

By that I  mean develop style, confidence, a great interview technique and self esteem. That's what you will gain even if you fail at interview 1 or 2 you are gaining valuable and insightful experience, interview  techniques and  the next will be easier. and confidence to go for the next one, and so on.

  • Interview Plus Interview = Experience
  • Gains Self Esteem
  • Gains Confidence
  • Moves towards your next goals

Interviews give you the opportunity to look at a new potential employer a chance opportunity to tell them what you can do for them. Remember each employer has a potential problem a role to fill advise explain show and motivate your new potential employer as to why you. Why do you fit the role. Be honest upfront and explain why your skills and ability or interest and enthusiasm will  give the person/s across the table the solutions they are looking for then talk money

At the Interview

  • Sell your uniqueness to the employer 
  • Focus on how you can solve his/her/their problems
  • Be honest and demonstrate where you other industry skill could benefit them

Now if you are successful go to the job even if its lower, or low paid and offer one invaluable simple principle give 110 % effort

Go the extra mile

  • Deliver more than the role calls for
  • Get noticed, make your light stand out 
  • Be different to those around you, be more enthusiastic
  • Work at it like it was your last job

Well done.

  You have trained your brain to think differently you have developed an action plan not to be out of work you are trying new things, you are gaining insightful experience you will obtain your reward and you are learning to sell transferable skills.  You will get noticed promoted quicker develop new areas skills interests move out of your comfort zone and you will progress again. It might be slower at first but you might have two or three part time jobs to replace one/ You will have variety and  choices and new experiences and enjoy the rich tapestry of life meet new people and  ultimately your life will be more enriched rewarding than claiming the basic job seeker benefits which whilst they help feed and pay for the road to a new job will not provide the above or that new start and who knows very soon an increased income.

copyright       paulstacey@feb2012

Please feel free to comment. 

If you would like help or advice then please call or get in touch with me, if i cant help you i will point you in the right direction so 

So Call Today

Call Paul Stacey     The Green Shoots of Recovery
  Tel 01306 881399
e mail 
Txt to mobile or call 07710-854040

If you have a friend in need direct them to this site
or go to 

Especially if you need to make another £200  pcm to get you going quickly.

If you are in debt or worried or in debt distress get in touch i work with all situations to help  read my bloggs on cases we  have helped with..

Sunday 5 February 2012

How to find Money without Trying

How to find Money without Trying

How to save and Find Money in the Street

What if I  was to tell you that the street you live on or near or by is littered with money and that if you cant afford to save a bean, just by picking up all the coins and banknotes most people walk past you are leaving a small fortune on the ground.

Well you might think well if I  see  a penny, I just walk past it and leave it where it is, as  its not worth picking it up. But I want to tell you why you are wrong so wrong.

Perhaps you are really struggling financially now, perhaps your hours at work have been cut , perhaps you are in debt to Banks and credit card companies. Perhaps you have always wished you could start a Business and perhaps all you need is £50 to do just that. What if  I  said to you over a period of time you have walked past over £50 you never bothered to pick up.

You know the story Bill Gates, ex CEO of Microsoft,  is so rich that if he dropped or found a £50 note on the ground it isn't worth him bending down to pick it up, well that's true because he would have earned significantly more in the time it would  have taken him to pick it up. But for most of us you and I that doesn't ring true.

You see, I  consider myself a lucky person, I  would go out and about and had the uncanny knack of just looking down at the right time and finding anything from a 1p to £20 

Yes its absolutely true. I would continually find on the ground very regularly, money even banknotes. To date,  I have found every Banknote except a £50, although I quite believe in time I will find one of those. Now I am not talking about money somebody who is walking in front of you drops accidentally that would be dishonest, like finding a  wallet or a  purse and not handing it  back. I  am talking about the coins and  non identifiable Money that is around every street corner every day of the week where its really finders keepers if you do what most people wont do and pick it up.

You see in my household it became a joke at the frequency and amount I was finding I even taught my young son to  do it. Its like having a secret antennae it just happens when you least expect it you look down and there in front of you is a 50p and 10p a pounds two pound coin or even a £5 or £10 note.

My 10 year old, has the same ability now I  have taught him from my findings and I will teach you also if you are willing to try this out for yourself.

I decided some time ago to keep a record and i did and just below in a few minutes i will show you to

Here is the last few weeks finding actual coins picked up as I  keep them in a tin and bank them every so often in a separate account.

                                  Coins I picked up in last few weeks in my local area

Okay so if you waiting for how do I do this without really looking here are my two tips.

  •  Always believe you will find money and will look down at just the right moment to notice it without really consciously seeking it out.

  • Always pick up the money even if its a 1p forget the embarrassment just do it because then the universe will supply you with more 20p10p50p, one pound coins and so on

Do what I   did open a separate bank account and keep a record here is mine i have in just over 3 years £75 now that i could have walked past.

And remember what if you had a business idea you needed to start with £50 and that grew to £50,000 would you be glad you read this and picked up those dirty pennies

Of Course you would so get busy there is plenty out there we all don't live on the same street

                             In just over 3 years I have   found and picked up over £75

I have found at least one £20 One £10 Two fives and  several one and two pound coins and this is just since  I   decided to keep a record of my finds.

Although I  have and own a metal detector I haven't found any of this with a metal detector so if you think you need one to do this your are wrong.

So what does this mean for you ......

  • You can do the same
  • Start your own business with nothing (What you found on the Street)
  • Pay off your debts with what you find on the street
  • Give  to your favourite charity 
  • Help the poor, help others
  • Put the wasted coins back into circulation
  • pick up a coin and put a smile on your face tomorrow

Hope you enjoyed reading this please leave comments on my blog site.

If you have a story like this let me know my site is really about helping people out and right now a lot of people need a lot of help......

Try this also 

Now for a business that you would need just up to £50 to start go to

this link

I can show you how to make money from your kitchen rubbish bin 

Friday 3 February 2012



The FSA has temporarily shut the sale and rent back market.
Did this market work? Was it for helping the consumers and was it really ever an effective honest tool to help a distressed family from losing their home.

After their own review found that most of the transactions were either unaffordable or unsuitable, or should not have been sold

Apparently the FSA having reviewed all regulated SRB firms referred one candidate to its enforcement division the others agree to close down or suspend taking on new business or simply closed their permissions (licence to do new Business)

Clearly there was something radically wrong with this model in the first place consumers were put at risk and it was not a workable practical or fair solution to customers losing their homes.

At Green Shoots we do have a practical alternative, don’t go anywhere near a Sales and Rent Back scheme which can logically only benefit the provider. If you are losing your House in the current market firstly remember my golden rule of the current age your house is your Home it’s not an Investment property, as so many would like to tell you.

It’s the roof over your head, yours and your families protection. So protect it for what it is and not what it isn’t.

I can help give you advice and guidance if you are genuinely losing your home and would be willing to talk through your problem or  email  reply in the first instance and would guide you through your mess with real practical workable solutions to protect your Home and your family and would not and doesn’t include sale or Rent back.

It won’t cost you anything to get or give you professional help in the first instance and the first chat or meeting would be free.

So if you want to talk through your situation seek professional guidance help call me write to me or email me

Green Shoots is all about helping people in Financial Distress.....

Paul Stacey Director/ Adviser for PAS Financial and Mortgage Solutions
Tel 01306 881399
Mobile 07710-854040

PAS Financial and Mortgage Solutions 26 Furlong Road
Westcott Surrey RH4 3PR
PAS Financial and Mortgage Solutions LTD is an appointed Representative of Pink Home Loans. Pink Home loans is a trading name of Advance Mortgage Funding Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Servces Authority


Sunday 29 January 2012

The 3RS Approach

What are the 3RS ........what does it mean to you?

For me its my approach to recovery that is assisting people and small businesses to change direction improve their situation, grow and climb out of financial distress and make profits gain, climb out of mortgage arrears , credit card debt

So what are the 3RS

Resolve to plan a way forward
Repair the existing damage
Right path going forwards


Planning is essential, to fail to plan is to plan to fail and is often the reason the individual familiy or business finds themselves dealing with insolvency, cashflow problems and mortgage and loan arrears.
A simple plan is the way to guide and navigate our way through difficult obstacles, like a compass, its telling us which direction to go how far and by how much.

Repairing the damage done is part and parcel of the planning, negotiating settling , making arrangements is all part of facing up to responseability and taking action. The worst situations can be dealt with and a way out can be found.

Right Path

This is when the first two are working and its clear the direction that you are taking is making a difference resolving the issues and showing you a way forward.

You then feel confident you have a plan thats flexible you are managing thats being on top of your situation

For more help and guidance with your situation i am happy to help

So get in touch

25 years Financial Experince and 6 years dealing with Debt Distressed cases including personal small Business Insolvencies and Families losing their Houses Cars and Business

So dont Despair Get Help Now

Thursday 26 May 2011

Another Surrey Family saved from House Reposession in less than a week

Its very rewarding to be able to write this. If you refer to my blog post about the live case of the Surrey Family facing Repossession you will see we have reached today Day 7 and the Court Hearing where successfully the Eviction Warrant hanging over this family was lifted by the court because of the actions taken by the client with some help and assistance from my self personally.

Today, we got more than we bargained for, they lifted the Eviction Warrant
on my clients meaning that as the final payment transfers next week the Couple and their Children can sleep at night knowing that the Bailiffs have been adverted at the last moment

Please if you are reading this and you think and feel your situation is hopeless then please in the words of        Winston Churchill 

Never never never give up .....

Help is  here and is available 

I don't know your story or where you need the help but i am willing to listen and willing to get the help.
This family came to me 1 week ago today and 1 week later a real monkey has been lifted from their shoulders.

So please call me.

Paul Stacey
Principal The Green Shoots of Recovery
for Personal and Business Recovery
Remember every days counts so don't delay

Tel 01306 881399
Mobile 07710-854040

Saturday 21 May 2011

The Green Shoots Mentoring Programme

Its not rocket science after all. People who are facing similar experiences in their own back yards, gardens for the English version, can help others in the same experience better than we can as professionals, because they have real empathy and understanding.

Now, I am not saying as a professional helping people with debt distres problems I dont have empathy or understanding, not at all what I am saying is that I only have it to a degree, fortunately I havent experienced the pain or anguish of being threatened with eviction, due to mortgage arrears or un paid rent, but some of my clients have.

Therefore, they are well placed if willing to talk to others locally in the same situation thereby creating a self help targeted programme giving at least moral support, but perhaps also usefull advice themselves based on experience, especially where people face denial that this cant be happening to them

Currently I am writing a story of a couple right now facing these problems, follow the progress of their story as it unfolds good and bad.

If you are facing similar problems or need help with finances
call me Paul Stacey Mobile 07710-854040
Details about me and Green Shoots are listed on the Green Shoots page

Friday 20 May 2011

The Brown Shoots of Non Recovery

Perhaps this should be entitled the Brown Shoots of Non Recovery

This is a superb article about Gordon Browns mismanagment of our economy and a sound reason why it would be a big mistake for him to not only be considered for the top job but in my opinion any role in the IMF

Surely it would be like letting a kid loose with your life savings in a sweet shop wouldnt it?

The article taken from a Mortgage Magazine indicates the following view point

When economic historians review the last 20 years they will condemn Gordon Brown as one of the worst Chancellors (and Prime Ministers) we ever had.

How can any coherent case can be made for him to be considered as the new head of the International Monetary Fund in the wake of the departure of the disgraced Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

It then talks about 5 sound reasons in my opionion as to why appointing Mr Brown would be a grave mistake with dire consequences.
Here are 5 suggestions that offer five outstanding reasons why history might judge his handling of the economy so harshly.

From the moment he took office he set about destroying our pensions system with new taxes. We are left with a legacy of a mammoth pensions funding crisis.

He presided over an unsustainable consumer credit boom despite the constant warnings of economists.

The system of regulation he put in place was bureaucratic, expensive but, ultimately, ineffectual and we are still clearing up the mess. Just look at the millions of PPI policies it allowed to be mis-sold. And don't even start on the mortgage market, the investment banks, the derivatives market.

When the out-of-control banks hit a brick wall he threw public money at them but with no conditions attached, no public control and not a clue about what an exit strategy would look like.

He is praised for his prompt response to the banking/credit crisis but actually he just laid the foundations for the next crisis by pushing billions into the economy through quantitative easing, again without any control. Now our money is, among other things, creating a boom in commodities speculation which is pushing up inflation so that ordinary people end up paying twice to bail out the banks. And still the banks are not lending to decent, well-run businesses.

That will do for starters.

I totally agree with these five points i could go on and list another 5 but the above are sound enough for me.

The writers final viewpoint is that

If the great early 20th century economist J M Keynes were alive I have little doubt that these would form the first five chapters of a searing condemnation of Gordon Brown's record entitled The Economic Consequences of Mr Brown.

In essence I would summarise further and say that Mrs Browns 13 Years in his Role of Chancellor and Prime Minister has derailed the British economy to such an extent it may be have to wait for our granchildren to rebuild it

Please add your thoughts comments